Forth of July Reception on JUNE 29
Yesterday, AmCham governors and members celebrated the 247th anniversary of [...]
Yesterday, AmCham governors and members celebrated the 247th anniversary of [...]
🇺🇸🤝🇲🇴 The American Chamber of Commerce in Macau was honored [...]
With “Promoting Ecological Civilization and Green Development” as its theme, [...]
TV News: Teledifusão de Macau, S.A. 澳門廣播電視股份有限公司 English [starting from 00:06:31 [...]
Press: Macao Daily News 澳門日報 仲行:澳樓價收入比較周邊理想 【本報消息】近年樓市上升,很多人都感到買樓困難。澳門仲量聯行住宅部主管黃智威表示,根據數據顯示,一七年與一二年比較,由於薪酬上升,居民負擔能力提高,但由於樓價升幅高於薪酬增長,故不論買五年以下的住宅,還是十年樓齡以上的住宅,確實比一二年困難。但若考慮十年樓齡以上的住宅,其實居民仍然可以負擔,還有很多選擇。 由澳門英國商會、澳門美國商會及法國澳門工商會昨下午一時假澳門美高梅宴會廳合辦午餐會,邀請澳門仲量聯行住宅部主管黃智威任演講嘉賓,分享澳門物業市場情況。會上,澳門英國商會行政總監瓦克森(Suzanne [...]
Press: Macao Daily News 澳門日報 Tai Chung Daily [...]